There is more to music production than just gear… but it sure helps. Here’s a list of what we have in each studio.
Studio A
2 x Yamaha NS10s with Bryston 3B-ST
2 x Adam S3A
2 x Avantone Mix Cube
Studio B
2 x Yamaha NS10s with Bryston 3B-ST
2 x Focal Alpha 8
2 x B&W Matrix 801
Studio A
Universal Audio Apollo X8P
Universal Audio Apollo 16 MKII
8 Crane Song Spider
Studio B
Universal Audio Apollo 8P
Universal Audio Apollo Twin
Audient ASP880
Nuendo, Cubase, Pro Tools, Logic Pro X, FL Studio, Maschine, Ableton Live 10,
SoftwareBoth Stuudios have: Waves Mercury, 2 UAD-2 Octo processors with almost ALL PLUGINS, Melodyne, Autotune, Drumagog, Steve Slate everything bundle, Soundtoys 5 full bundle, vocalign, BFD, Native Instruments Komplete, Omnsiphere
Studio A
8 Millennia HV3D
8 Focusrite 828
8 Crane Song Spider
2 Great River ME2NV Neve Mic pre
2 Toneluxe API style Mic Pres
2 Universal Audio 610 tube mic pres
1 Manley Massive Passive stereo EQ
1 Focusrite Red 2 Stereo EQ
1 TK Audio TK-Lizer Stereo MS EQ
3 JDK Audio V 14 API EQ
2 Toneluxe API EQ
1 API 550A
1 UREI Filter Set
8 Empress ECM 519
2 Toneluxe TX5C
2 Empirical Labs Distressor with Brit Mod
1 Alan Smart C1 SSL buss comp
2 Universal Audio 1176
1 Universal Audio LA2A
1 API 527
Studio B
1 Avalon 737
1 Focusrite 430 MKII
1 Great River Me1NV Neve Mic Pre
1 SPL Channel One
1 Custom SSL Style Bus Comp
1 Warm Audio 1176
Kemper Profiler with foot controller
Radial JDI x 3
ADL Stereo Tube DI
ART Stereo DI
Too many guitar pedals to list
in both studios if you request in advance
1 Blue Bottle with B0, B6 and B7 capsules
2 x Brauner VM-1 tube condenser
2 Neumann U87
2 x Gefell UM70s condenser
Lewitt 940 condenser
2 Royer R121 ribbon
1 Royer SF24 Stereo Ribbon
2 Shiny Box DX77 style Ribbon
2 x Microtech Gefell M300 SDC condensors
2 Shure SM 81 Condensors
2 Slate Digital ML-1
4 x Slate Digital ML-2
1 Heil PR-30 Dynamic
2 x Lewitt SDC condensors
3 Shure SM7b dynamic
1 Telefunken Elam80
1 Lewitt drum mic pack (4 toms, snare, kick, overheads)
1 Audio Technica A.E. 2500 dual capsule dynamic / condensor
2 Audix D six kick drum mic
1 AKG D112 kick drum mic
1 Audio Technica ATM25 kick drum mic
5 Sennheiser MD421
1 Shure Beta57 dynamic
1 Shure Beta58 dynamic
5 x Shure SM 57 dynamic
2 x Shure SM 58 dynamic
NOTE – Not all instruments are available at all times
check in advance if there is something specific you
want to have access to
1 Gibson Les Paul
1 Gibson SG
1 Gibson Flying V
1 Fender USA Jeff Beck Fat Strat
1 Fender USA Telecaster w/ Gretsch resophonic
1 Ibanez SR300 (1978)
1 Ibanez custom with Seymore Duncan Jazz p/ups
1 ESP Barritone guitar
1 Silvertone Barritone guitar
1 Washburn J-5 Jazz guitar
1 Guild D-55 custom acoustic
1 Warwick Streamer 5 string bass
1 Warwick Corvette 4 string bass
Yamaha Oak custom drums 22, 10, 12, 16, 14 snare
Yamaha Maple Custom snare 13 x 4 1/2
Yamaha Custom Copper snare 14 x 5 1/2
Sonor vintage kit (available on request) 22, 13, 16
Tama Starclassic Maple 24, 12, 13, 18
Numerous cymbals from Sabian and Zildjian
1 Fender Twin tube combo amp
1 Fender Champ II tube combo amp
1 Fender Deluxe Reverb tube combo amp
1 Fender Super Reverb tube combo amp
1 Ampeg Reverb Rocket tube combo amp
1 Mesa Boogie Rectoverb tube combo amp
1 Mesa Stiletto Deuce head
1 Traynor YCV-40A tube combo amp
1 Orange “Tiny Terror” tube head
1 Mesa 2×12 cab
1 Orange 1×12 cab